In that location is a method that I've recently heard nearly to remember the things that tin can upshot in Development. It is called The V Fingers of Evolution;

  • The Pinky- Shrinking or Shrunk Population

Development is simply change in the cistron pool over fourth dimension. Cistron frequencies should remain the same in a population, if these frequencies were to e'er change, evolution has occurred.If the population shrinks, and so chance can take over. A small population, means a pocket-sized gene pool, or total number of traits in a population. That ways that the allele frequencies that existed in that population before whatever has caused it to compress will modify.

  • The Band Finger- Non-Random Mating

If individuals cull a mate based on their advent or location, and then the frequency can change. For example, in a population of Firebeards and Ironfists (dwarven clans), if Firebeards only mated with Firebeards, then they could somewhen create a new population. If Ironfists never mated with Ironfists, then their genes could decrease.

  • The Middle Finger- Kutation

If a new gene is added through mutation, it tin affect the frequency. If a cistron mutation in a population of Firebeards and Ironfists created a new type of Dwarf, the Stiffbeards, then manifestly the frequencies in the gene pool will modify.

  • The Pointer Finger- Gene Menstruum

If new individuals immigrate into a population, then the frequency volition change. If individuals emigrate from a population, then the frequency will modify. If Durin'southward Folk emmigrate from their bequeathed home after a dragon attack, and move into the Blue Mountains where the gene pool substantially consists of Broadbeams, then the gene frequencies volition change.

  • The Thumb- Adaptation

Natural Choice is the but process that creates organisms better adjusted, or better suited, to survive in their environment. Elves, as woodland creatures, could not originally survive outside of their woods, but over fourth dimension, they developed thicker-skinned feet, with fur on them, and their stature decreased to be able to hide from predators. These adaptations atomic number 82 to the creation of Hobbits.

The evolution described by the above is called microevolution, because they are small changes, but these can eventually lead to macroevolution, or speciation. Every organism on the planet shares ancestry with a single mutual antecedent. – Darwin


"Five Fingers of Evolution – Paul Andersen." YouTube. YouTube, vii May 2012. Spider web. 17 February. 2015. .

"Mechanisms: The Processes of Evolution." Evolution 101: Mechanisms of Evolution. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.