
How To Make Tracked Changes In Word

Desk scene with computer screen that says "How to Use Track Changes in Microsoft Word"This tutorial shows how to apply Track Changes in Microsoft Word. Track Changes helps u.s.a. edit documents by tracking insertions, deletions, replacements, and format changes. Word calls these edits markups.

The term Rail Changes is commonly used for both edits and comments, so this tutorial likewise includes Word's annotate tool.

We will cover 11 topics:

  1. How to Plough Track Changes On and Off
  2. How to Show and Hide Track Changes
  3. How to Delete Text with Track Changes
  4. How to Insert Text with Track Changes
  5. How to Supersede Text with Track Changes
  6. How to Change Formatting with Track Changes
  7. How to Accept or Reject Track Changes
  8. How to Insert Comments
  9. How to Respond To and Resolve Comments
  10. How to Delete Comments
  11. How to Open up and Close the Reviewing Pane

This tutorial is too bachelor every bit a YouTube video showing all the steps in real time.

Watch more than 100 other writing-related software tutorials on my YouTube aqueduct.

The images beneath are from Give-and-take for Microsoft 365 (formerly Role 365). These steps will also work for Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013, and Word 2010. However, your interface may look slightly different in those older versions of the software.

How to Turn Track Changes On and Off

  1. Select the Review tab in the ribbon.
Review tab in Word 365
Figure 1. Review tab
  1. Select the Track Changes button in the Tracking group. The button will appear darker than the balance of the ribbon when Track Changes is turned on.
Track Changes button in Word 365
Figure 2. Track Changes button
  1. Select the Track Changes button once more to plow off tracking.

You can control how comments and edits appear by using the Display for Review and Show Markup menus in the Tracking group in the ribbon.

  1. Select the Display for Review driblet-downwardly menu to choose how edits and comments are displayed. The options are (A) Uncomplicated Markup, (B) All Markup, (C) No Markup, and (D) Original.
Display for Review menu in Word 365
Effigy 3. Display for Review menu

(A) Simple Markup displays the edited version of the content without visible in-line edits. However, edits are indicated by a vertical line in the left margin.

For example, if you delete a sentence, that judgement won't appear on screen. Instead, a vertical line will announced in the left margin showing that a change was made in that location.

If you desire to see the edit, select the vertical line to switch to All Markup.

Simple Markup margin line in Word 365
Effigy 4. Simple Markup margin line

(B) All Markup displays all edits and comments. This view is best for most copyediting and proofreading work.

A vertical line, like the one shown in Uncomplicated Markup (run into figure four), will appear on the left side of the screen indicating that a alter was made at that place.

Select that line to switch to Elementary Markup.

(C) No Markup displays the edited version of the content without any visible edits or comments.

(D) Original displays the original version of the content without any edits or comments.

  1. Select the Show Markup drop-downward menu to choose what features Track Changes displays.

I recommend displaying all comments and edits (i.due east., insertions and deletions and formatting changes) and choosing Show Just Comments and Formatting in Balloons for most copyediting and proofreading work so that your insertions and deletions will appear in the text.

Show Markup menu in Word 365
Effigy 5. Show Markup bill of fare

Important note: The remaining sections prove Runway Changes in the All Markup view.

How to Delete Text with Runway Changes

  1. Select the text y'all want to delete.
  2. Select the Delete key on your keyboard. The deleted text will appear with a strikethrough in the All Markup view.
Text deleted with Track Changes in Word 365
Effigy 6. Text deleted with Track Changes

How to Insert Text with Rail Changes

  1. Identify your cursor where y'all want to insert new text.
  2. Type the new text. The insertion will announced with an underline in the All Markup view.
Text inserted with Track Changes in Word 365
Effigy 7. Text inserted with Rails Changes

How to Supervene upon Text with Track Changes

  1. Select the text you want to replace.
  2. Type the replacement text. The original text will appear with a strikethrough, and the replacement text volition appear with an underline in the All Markup view.
Text replaced with Track Changes in Word 365
Figure 8. Text replaced with Runway Changes

How to Change Formatting with Rails Changes

Formatting includes the font style, font size, font color, italics, bold font, underlining, superscripting and subscripting, indentations, alignment, and margins.

  1. Select the text you desire to reformat.
  2. Change the format. Runway Changes volition automatically display the modify with your other markup if yous have selected formatting in the Evidence Markup section of the Tracking group.
Format changed with Track Changes in Word 365
Figure ix. Format changed with Runway Changes

How to Accept or Reject Track Changes

Edits created with Track Changes must be accustomed before they become function of your document. You tin can accept or reject edits individually or all at one time from within the text or from the ribbon by post-obit any of the 3 methods below.

Method One: Accept or Reject Edits Individually from inside the Text

  1. Right-click the insertion, deletion, or replacement text.
  2. Select Accept or Turn down in the shortcut carte du jour.
Accept or Reject edit options from the shortcut menu in Word 365
Figure 10. Accept and Turn down shortcut menu options

Method Two: Accept or Reject Edits Individually from the Ribbon

  1. Click on or select the insertion, deletion, or replacement text.
  2. Select the Accept or Turn down button in the Changes group.
Accept and Reject buttons in Word 365
Figure 11. Take and Reject buttons

Method Three: Accept or Decline All Edits

Unless you are very confident in your reviewers' expertise, I strongly caution against accepting or rejecting all edits without first checking the accuracy of each one.

  1. Select the Accept or Reject menu arrow in the Changes group.
Accept and Reject menu arrows in Word 365
Figure 12. Accept and Reject carte du jour arrows
  1. Select your preferred option: Take/Reject All Changes or Have/Reject All Changes and Stop Tracking.
"Accept All Changes" and "Accept All Changes and Stop Tracking" options in Word 365
Effigy 13. Have All Changes and Accept All Changes and Finish Tracking options

You can use the Annotate tool with Track Changes turned on or turned off.

Method One: Insert Comments from Inside the Text

  1. Select and and so correct-click the text you want to connect to the annotate. (Alternately, you lot can right-click anywhere you lot would similar the comment to be connected without selecting specific text.)
  2. Select New Comment in the shortcut carte du jour.
New Comment shortcut menu option in Word 365
Figure 14. New Comment shortcut menu selection

Your cursor will automatically move into the comment balloon.

  1. Type your comment into the balloon.
Example comment in Word 365
Figure 15. Example comment

Method Two: Insert Comments from the Ribbon

  1. Select the text you want to connect to the comment. (Alternately, you can place your cursor anywhere yous want the annotate to be connected without selecting specific text.)
  2. Select the New Comment button in the Comments grouping.
New Comment button in Word 365
Figure sixteen. New Comment push button

Your cursor will automatically motion into the comment balloon.

  1. Type your comment into the balloon (see effigy 15).

You tin can respond to comments or resolve comments from inside the text or within the comment airship.

When yous resolve a comment, it will be grayed out but still visible.

Method One: Answer To and Resolve Comments from within the Text

  1. Right-click the text connected to the comment.
  2. Select Reply To Comment or Resolve Comment in the shortcut carte.
Reply To Comment and Resolve Comment shortcut menu options in Word 365
Figure 17. Reply To Comment and Resolve Comment shortcut menu options
  1. If you chose Reply To Annotate, your cursor will move into a new comment airship where you can type your reply. If you chose Resolve Annotate, the comment will exist grayed out.

Method Two: Reply To and Resolve Comments from within the Balloon

  1. Select the comment.
  2. Select the Respond or Resolve button. (These buttons won't appear until y'all have selected the comment.)
Comment balloon Reply and Resolve buttons in Word 365
Figure xviii. Answer and Resolve buttons
  1. If y'all chose Reply, your cursor will motion into a new comment balloon where you tin type your reply. If yous chose Resolve, the comment will exist grayed out.

Pro Tip: Select Reopen if you desire to turn a resolved comment into an unresolved comment.

Comment balloon Reopen button in Word 365
Figure 19. Reopen push

There are three ways to delete comments individually or all at in one case.

Method 1: Delete Private Comments from the Shortcut Carte

  1. Right-click the text connected to the comment or the annotate balloon.
  2. Select Delete Comment in the shortcut carte.
Delete Comment shortcut menu option in Word 365
Figure 20. Delete Comment shortcut menu selection

Method 2: Delete Private Comments from the Ribbon

  1. Select the comment balloon.
  2. Select the Delete button in the Comments grouping or the Reject button in the Changes group.
Delete and Reject buttons in Word 365
Figure 21. Delete and Decline buttons

Method Three: Delete All Comments

  1. Select the Delete push button carte du jour arrow in the Comments group.
Delete menu arrow in Word 365
Effigy 22. Delete menu arrow
  1. Select Delete All Comments in Document from the driblet-downwardly menu.
Delete All Comments in Document in Word 365
Figure 23. Delete All Comments in Document selection

How to Open and Close the Reviewing Pane

The Reviewing Pane (labeled Revisions) shows all the comments and edits selected in the Show Markup driblet-down menu in the Tracking group in the ribbon, along with the total number of those comments and markups in the document.

The Reviewing Pane isn't necessary for using Rails Changes, but it tin can be helpful when you lot need to find a specific edit or want to encounter how many edits or comments are in the document.

  1. Select the Reviewing Pane button in the Tracking group.
Reviewing Pane button in Word 365
Figure 24. Reviewing Pane button

The Reviewing Pane will appear, ordinarily on the left side of your screen.

Reviewing Pane in Word 365
Figure 25. Reviewing Pane
  1. Select the Reviewing Pane button again to close the Reviewing Pane.

Related Resources

At present that y'all have reviewed the basics of how to apply Track Changes in Word, you lot may want to explore some avant-garde topics. Here are several options to become you started:

How to Copy and Paste Text with Comments and Runway Changes in Word

How to Remove User Names from Existing Track Changes in Microsoft Word

How to Change Your User Proper name for Track Changes in Microsoft Word

How to Stop Microsoft Word from Calling You "Author" in Track Changes

How to Change the Font and Font Size of Comments in Word

How to Change the Color of Rail Changes in Microsoft Word

Updated October 19, 2021


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