
How To Change Your Last Name In Iowa

An Iowa proper noun modify form can be used past whatever adult residing in Iowa to change their own proper noun or the name of a child in their custody. Mostly, applicants volition be required to create a free online account and file their name change forms through the State provided eFiling service (certain exceptions apply). If the individual is seeking a new name due to a awaiting divorce or marriage, the standard name change process does not apply as the process can be accomplished through the divorce/marriage proceedings. The tape retained from either procedure will serve equally sufficient testify of the name change, and can therefore be used to alter other official records (i.e., driver's license, SSN).

Laws– Chapter 674

Proper noun Change After Matrimony

Fill out your matrimony license awarding and enter your new last name in the applicable area of the course. File the application with the County Recorder's Office and pay the fee (ordinarily between $30 and $35). Once you are legally married, request a certified copy of your marriage document from the Department of Public Health. The certified copy can be used to update the information on record with the Social Security Administration, DMV, and similar agencies.

Name Change After Divorce

If yous are in the process of getting divorced, you take the option to change your name to the one recorded on your birth certificate or to the 1 used immediately prior to your marriage. In that location is an area in your divorce Petition in which you can specify your former name or nascence proper name (enter whichever proper noun yous prefer to use). Later the divorce proceedings, obtain a certified copy of your divorce decree from the Department of Public Health and use it to update your social security card, driver's license, banking company accounts, and other records which contain the name used during your wedlock.

Adult Proper noun Change (No Marriage or Divorce)

If you are above the age of xviii (18) and you do not have any civil disabilities (eastward.g., legal rights or privileges revoked), yous can request a proper name change in Iowa by filing a Petition for Change of Name. The Petition will be submitted to the district court via their online "eFiling" service. Nevertheless, newspaper filing is possible under certain conditions (more information on this beneath).

Step 1 – Request Certified Copy of Nascency Certificate

Brainstorm by requesting a certified copy of your birth certificate. If you were born in the Country of Iowa, you tin can request your certificate from the Department of Public Wellness past following the instructions on this webpage. The certificate will cost $20 plus additional service fees.

If you lot were born in any state other than Iowa, request your birth certificate past contacting the agency in the state which handles vital statistics (come across bureau list).

Note: If you were not born in the U.S., yous tin can obtain your birth record past submitting a written request to the post-obit address:

Section of Country Passport Services Vital Records Section
Room 510
1111 19th Street
NW, Washington, DC 20036

Footstep 2 – Choose Filing Method

In virtually circumstances, it will be necessary for you to file your paperwork electronically using Iowa'due south eFiling service. However, this may not be required if y'all practice non have a computer capable of uploading the requisite forms or if yous exercise non have regular admission to the internet at your home. If y'all would like to request an exemption from eFiling, contact a clerk in your county to see if filing in person or past mail service is possible.

Note: Using the eFiling service requires the creation of a free online account. Go to this webpage and select "Request Account" to begin the account creation process.

Pace three – Petition for Change of Name

The Petition for Change of Proper noun will exist used to provide the court with the data necessary to determine whether or non your proper noun should be changed. Download the Petition and make full it in using the appropriate application on your computer, or impress the form and complete information technology past hand.

Step 4 – Protected Information Form

It's your responsibility to protect the confidential information you submit to the commune court. This process can be complicated and may be best executed with the assist of an attorney. More than data on the procedure tin can be found here. If certain aspects of your filing must remain confidential, you will demand to complete a Protected Data Disclosure Course.

Annotation: Confidential information which is improperly filed may consequence in attorney fees and other expenses. In addition to contacting an attorney, you may wish to contact a clerk in your canton to acquire more than about the proper methods of protecting your information.

Step 5 – Civil Cover Sheet

A Civil Cover Canvas will specify to the court the nature of your petition. Download the course and input the necessary information. In the "OTHER Ceremonious ACTIONS" box, select "Modify of name (CN-CN)."

Step half-dozen – Prepare for Filing

Make photocopies of your completed forms. These will serve equally backups to exist used in the event that the original documents become lost or damaged. Side by side, you will demand to upload your paperwork to your estimator in PDF format unless y'all take been permitted to submit paper forms. Be sure to include the certified copy of your birth document. For assistance in uploading your forms, review the eFiling user guide.

Footstep vii – Submit Your Filings

Log into your online business relationship to begin the eFiling procedure. Once logged in, navigate through each folio in social club to upload your documents. You lot will then need to provide payment for the $185 filing fee before completing your submission.

If y'all've been permitted by the court to file your paperwork past mail or in person, you must gather all documents along with the $185 filing fee and file with a clerk in your county.

Pace viii – Notify Your Spouse

Notice of your request for a name change must be given to your spouse (if applicative). There are several ways for this to be accomplished including personal commitment, personal service by a process server or sheriff, publication of a discover in a legal classified advertizing, and notice by certified mail.

Certain circumstances will dictate how your notice must be made. For example, if you lot are unaware of your spouse's whereabouts, it will be impossible for the notice to be delivered to the individual in person; in this instance, notice past publication would be required. This webpage contains a number of helpful tips on the process of a legal notification.

After notifying your spouse, yous should receive a document showing show that the individual has been notified. Photocopy this document and file the original with a clerk in your county.

Step 9 – Await the Court's Conclusion

The court will issue a judgment on your case no less than thirty (thirty) days afterwards your Petition is filed. You tin check the status of your instance by logging into your eFiling account or by calling the court directly.

If the courtroom approves the proper name alter, a Decree of Proper name Modify volition be issued and sent to you by mail. This document provides legal evidence of the name alter.

Driver's License

The proper name on your driver's license can only be updated after you take corrected your social security information. Therefore, if you take yet to request a new social security menu, y'all must submit Form SS-5 to a local Social Security Administration (SSA) office along with the requisite accompanying documents.

Subsequently notifying the SSA, go in person to an Iowa driver's license issuance office and provide them with a copy of your proper noun change certificate (e.1000., marriage certificate, divorce prescript, court order). You must besides supply the necessary identifying documents and pay the $10 processing fee. Your new driver'southward license volition exist issued subsequently completing the higher up steps.

Voter Registration

In club to update your voter registration information, you will need to either specify the new information online or through the submission of a new Voter Registration Form. If y'all decide to utilise the newspaper form, enter your former proper noun in the "PREVIOUS VOTER REGISTRATION INFORMATION" portion of the application before filing information technology with the County Auditor/Commissioner of Elections Office.

Small (Child) Name Change

A minor child may have their name changed via the filing of a written request. The request must be executed past the child's parent(s) who possess legal rights to the child. If the name is being changed due to a awaiting divorce action, the new name tin exist included in the contents of the divorce Petition. The child may presume the name later the Decree is issued. Irresolute a child's proper name for reasons other than divorce tin exist accomplished in accordance with the below instructions.

Step one – Asking Certified Re-create of Nascence Certificate

The first step in irresolute a child'due south name is to asking a certified copy of their nascence certificate. If the kid was built-in in Iowa, their birth certificate can be obtained from the Department of Public Health for a fee of $twenty (additional service fees may apply). Brith certificates recorded in other states can be obtained from the state section which handles vital statistics.

For children born outside of the United states of america, a written request must exist sent to the Department of State Passport Services (Vital Records Section). Mail the request to the following address:

Department of State Passport Services Vital Records Department
Room 510
1111 19th Street
NW, Washington, DC 20036

In the upshot that no birth document is available, describe the reason for the unavailability on the Petition for Modify of Name of Small-scale and adhere another grade of the child's identification.

Footstep ii – Choose Filing Method

Iowa requires filers to submit their paperwork electronically via their eFiling service. Create your complimentary eFiling user account by navigating to this webpage and selecting "Request Account."

Online filing may be waived under certain conditions (eastward.g., if you practise not have admission to the cyberspace at abode, if your reckoner is unable to view the name modify documents). Enquire a clerk in your county to see if an exemption from eFiling can be attained.

Step 3 – Petition for Modify of Name of Minor

Next, you will need to make full out the Petition for Change of Name of Modest. This certificate will depict the reason that the kid's proper noun is beingness changed and it will supply the personal information required by § 674.2.

Step 4 – Consent to Name Modify

A child aged fourteen (14) or older must provide their consent to the proper name modify in the form of a written statement. If the child is below the historic period of 14 (14), both parents will demand to complete a written statement indicating their consent to the alter. All consent documents must be included with the Petition upon filing.

In the event that 1 (1) of the child'south parents does not consent to the proper noun change, the court will set a hearing to determine whether or non the child's proper name should exist changed. The non-consenting parent will be given twenty (20) day'southward notice of the hearing.

Step 5 – Protected Information Form

In Iowa, there are regulations that require that specific pieces of personal data be kept confidential when submitted to the court. Failure to protect this information can outcome in boosted court fees and other expenses. Information technology is recommended that you lot contact an attorney to assist you in keeping your information confidential. Further details can exist institute by clicking here, or by contacting a clerk.

In the case that your personal data should be held confidential, you will exist required to include a Protected Data Disclosure Class with your Petition.

Step 6 – Civil Cover Sheet

Prepare a Civil Cover Canvas by entering your case information into the form. Below the "OTHER CIVIL Actions" heading, select the "Change of name (CN-CN)" box.

Step 7 – Fix for Filing

Brand photocopies of your paperwork and store them in a safe place for future reference. You lot will then demand to upload all of the documents to your calculator in PDF format including the child'southward birth certificate (PDFs are not required if the court has granted you permission to file in person or by mail service).

  • If you need help uploading your documents to your computer, you may either seek the assistance of a court clerk or review the eFiling user guide.

Step viii – Submit Your Filings

Admission your eFiling account to begin the process of filing your paperwork. Submit your filings online and pay the $185 fee to complete the procedure. If you have been granted permission to submit your paperwork in person or by post, you will need to get together all of your documents and submit them to a clerk of the court.

Footstep 9 – Notify Spouse

If you are married, you will demand to provide your spouse with notice of your filing with the court. Notice is generally done via the post-obit methods: personal service past the sheriff or a process server, publication of a discover in a legal classified ad, notification by certified post, or personal delivery. Review this webpage to learn more almost proper notification methods.

Once your spouse has been legally notified of the asking to modify the child's name, a document volition be issued indicating the results of the notification. The document you receive should be photocopied and the original form should be filed with the court.

Pace x – Await the Courtroom'south Decision

The court volition review your case and order a judgment within 30 (30) days of filing your Petition. If 1 of the kid's parents does non consent to the proper noun change, the courtroom may set a hearing to consider the non-consenting parent'due south reasons against the proper noun modify.

Check the status of your example by accessing your eFiling account. You may likewise contact a clerk to run into if your case has been processed. If the court grants the asking, they will provide you with a Decree of Proper name Change form which will serve equally evidence of the change.


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